Services & Facility


To make a difference in the lives and families living with autism. Our purpose is to create a safe, world class environment where parents can wholeheartedly trust their children to our care. To provide engagement which helps the person with autism to live an independent life, to become employable and express themselves freely.

Holistic Development Program
  • Self help skills
  • Social Interaction
  • Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Assisted Living
  • Living space for adults with autism and their caregivers
  • Engagement/Experience centre
  • Autism specific design
Autism Centre
  • Learning and research
  • Education and community reach
  • Day Centre

Our Facility


Once the lockdown restrictions are eased, we will offer a fully equipped temporary residential facility for 3 people with autism in Vellore. Each individual will be engaged 7 hours a day, 6 days a week by professionals, specifically trained and qualified to implement our Programs.


Our main centre will commence operations early 2021 in this scenic location near Annaicut, 26 kms from Vellore, 18 kms from the new Vellore airport, 150 kms from Chennai international airport and 200 kms from Bangalore international airport. This world class facility will feature quality residences for our clients and fully equipped learning and engagement centres along with an autism centre.